Away from the hassles of the real world: 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008


來到臺北,當然不可放過當地的美食。不知不覺,來這兒實習已有三個星期了,心中有許多的不捨,但也有未知的快樂。不捨,必是這兒熱情的人民,這兒涼快的氣候,還有,當然是這兒多麽和我口味的美食咯!很感激,賜我這寶貴的機會及拆選我的人。雖然,我只是個小小的學士,也沒有豐富的經驗,也沒有那豐厚的知識,但,我想,我不會放棄現在所得的,也不會令看得起我的人失望吧!行,我行的!雖然來到臺北,最擔心的應該是我最愛的吧-Daddy and Momsy. 他們還專程飛來臺北探望我這小女兒,很感動!Thanks dad and mom. Love u both always, and yet, the deepest! 以下為一部分在這兒享用的美食。 雖然不是每到都很讚,但,還過得去啦,除了那泰國餐!超遜的 ><




大腸棉綫, 那大腸入滷得夠入味, 很有嚼勁, 但那面綫就蠻平凡的...

辦完事后, 一路咬著這牛肉咖喱胡椒餅來填飽肚子. 蠻好吃的...

淡水老街的老店, 招牌排骨飯, 排骨有入味哦 !

另一個餐點-豬腳飯, 不過我不愛吃油膩膩的豬腳啦(雖然那是膠質)

離宿舍不遠的豬腳專賣店的炸雞排, 味道好好噢! 出乎意料!

燥肉飯, 超不愛的, 因爲全都是油漬漬的肥肉!

唯一最喜歡的, 應該是滷蛋吧!

還以爲山雞很嫩, 哪知那肉是硬趴趴的, 味道也完全不辣...臺灣人不吃辣哦...

這山豬肉很好味道, 終于有好吃的了~


炭烤的噢, 有鮮甜的醬搭配, 很好吃!

失望的泰國餐- 好酸, 但一點都不辣... ><

失望的泰國餐- 東炎湯, 還是泰國的讚多了...

失望的泰國餐- 只有鹹味, 沒有酸也沒有辣, 好怪噢!

失望的泰國餐- 唯一一道吃得下的...簡單的辣炒空心菜

一個人用餐時, 我鍾愛買這鐵路便當, 蠻不錯的! 食尚玩家推薦. 不過排骨的滷得比較好味.

一個人的臺北日記- To be continue...

Love, Jasey

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Taipei is soooo gorgeous!

This is the first time i travel to Taiwan alone for my training of my newly started career. I'm so impressed by the citizens of Taipei! They're so helpful and friendly! When I've just reached Taipei International Airport, the driver that drove me all the way from "tao yuan 桃园" to 台北市(taipei city) got a long chat with me, introducing Taiwan to me since I'm first time traveling to Taiwan. How nice is him! He lent his hand on me, giving me idea where to buy my sim card, how to get Mrt here etc. Yet, my company's colleague, who's my boss's personal assistant is such a great lady!! I love taipei instead. Though i know ill started to become busy from today evening, but, I do really enjoying the days here. Lov da weather, ppl, food, everything. Taipei, a great city! Herewith some of the pictures i've taken within these 2 days. Thanks 祥云 real much for introducing Taiwan, and yet, she's sooo dazzling! I really have a great days before starting my hell-like training here. :D

Upon my arrival to Taipei. The view is so nice even looking from the plane. oh. a great art.

My first meal when im here. 臭臭锅, da little steamboat. Thanks 祥云!

祥云's niece. such a cute cute gal~

Taipei 101. Finally Im able to get here~

Da night view of Taipei 101. different from the "jagung" aka twin tower of M'sia.

The street artist, 街头艺人

Anyway, I did feel guilty as my mom cried upon our departure to the airport. Im such bad to let my mom worry about me. sigh. Thanks mom! Loving you! Yeah, they're coming to visit me on next weekend! *happie* Hugz, dad and mom! Da best parent in the world.

Love, Jasey

Thursday, November 27, 2008


我那漂浮在海中央的帆船 还不知去向
回到一个人的生活 真的很不习惯
说真的 我忍受不了 我哭了 哭到累了

在一个人的车里 一个人地奔驰
一个人的房子 一个人的世界
那天 你离开的第一天 我哭到累了
我睡不着 闭上眼 脑子总是浮现令我感到寂寞的一切
我知道你很担心 但 我真的我不住泪水
抱歉 让你操心了

现在 我终于了解 我是多么的害怕寂寞
我是多么的独立 多么的倔强
但回来北部后 我的依赖性漫漫地萌生
也许 这是我该铲除掉的恶习吧
不知何时 变得那么的小女人
也许 是因为身旁没有朋友的陪伴

也不懂何时我会到那岛屿去 何时再回来
朋友问我 “你不怕吗?一个人吔”
说真的 我蛮害怕的
因为 不一样的世界 不一样的国度
不一样的人民 不一样的生活起居
我会坚强的 毕竟我也好想挑战我自己

Love, Jasey

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween in the ayer

It’s time for a zany night, for the celebration of Halloween! Such repentant as I never go for any Halloween party wif my uni buddies (Yeah, *Angels!*) during our schooling life. Such a waste! Since I’ve back to the north after done my degree in KL in June, Penang island is my first choice to start my career here. Mmm..Though still in the soothing stage of my new job (after resignation from my prior company), I hope to be busy soon (maybe Im stupid to have this kind of thinking? Dumb dumb...*but its kinda soporific!*). okay, yup, how was ur halloween night? Anyhow, I never met any police checking in any parties so far. This is the first time I experienced it! It killed the mood for party instead! Owh...Poor things!

All the contestants for the costume competition...such eerie! I almost cried when they keep on approaching us just to get a vote...hahha..

The champion for that night, with the theme of "Abortion". Salute!

Wendy and HH, perhaps, da Ju on?

Police: Guys to the left..gals to the right..lelaki kiri perepmpuan kanan..
Ah gua: How about us....
Police: Tengah tengah la...
Look at the sadako (贞子,さだこ)...sitting there waiting innocently during the police checking..haha.a funny scene.

yet, the party continue though all of us are moodless already. mm..just to finish our chivas then. :D.

If you understand chinese characters, please read this site: absolutely hilarous!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sweet memories... 回忆

Schooling life is usually the most pleasureable moment. Now I grasp about it. I enjoyed my uni life real real much. I get genuine frens, true frens there.
Heavenly father, I believe in Angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, but, I call them friends. Thanks god for the angels around me. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen...Thanks gals. The memories always right here in my mind, heart and soul. *Hugz*

Year 2004
during our mouse dissection practical class..argh, i still able to recall the smell of the ratz!

Year 2005
The circle of life

Year 2006
Gals that addicted to Korean cuisine..haha. Since year 2006, korean restaurants in Ampang started to become our dinner spot! Yeah, we love food, the great one!

Year 2007
Right after our final year first semester examination..Having fun again while celebrating the angels' birthday. Look at the word. That's da name our lecturer gave to us - A.N.G.E.L T.E.A.M :)

Year 2008
The most memorable moment. Year 2008 is the year we having alot of tears due to our separation, and this is so called the True Friendship. Miss u gal real much!

Bear in mind that: Friendship is the angels that guide you throughout your life.

The lovely creation for the movie Friendship. Love. Angels. Yeah, we have the quote, our movie, our trailer, our team-T and song for our FRIENSHIP!

Love, Jasey

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



自己的无知与懵懂, 单纯与傻气,









I'm always strong!

Love, Jasey

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A long night

It’s been quite a couple of weeks since my last post about my life, my thought and my emotion here. Sigh. Time passed. Everything changed in such a short period of time.

A long night. It’s true. Yesterday night is such a protracted night for me. What I can say about yesterday? Tears, suffers, unbreathable, insomnia, loneliness. All these five words can be depicting the whole night. I’m speculating how come the tears always drop in at night. Thousands of words I wanted to share, but i always failed to find a good listener. I hatred myself for don’t even want to share a word with others, even my closest wan, which is my family. Sigh. I’ve been locked everything to myself for years. That’s why, the night is constantly long for me, as I need to cram the holes that found in it.

I hate when the dusk arrived, as the sun is hidden, the mask is slacken off. My dear angels. U gals don’t know how much I love you and miss you all. During the school life, you gals always be there for me, and give me a hug whenever I need it, without any reason. Now I’m all alone, and I don’t even can find a sincere friend from current life. As usual, I’m still always with a smile on, having own sweet nature. But, heartache. Promise myself, I want to be more independent from now on.


Jasey - Life changed -

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Annoying things to do on an elevator

Oh gosh..I read about this in a website recently...and i cant stop amused by the words there...have a look guys....!

Annoying things to do on elevator:-
1) crack open your briefcase or handbag, peer Inside and ask "Got enough air in there?"
2) STAND silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off.
3) when arriving at your floor, GRUNT and STRAIN to yank the doors open, then act as if you're embarrassed when they open themselves.
4) GREET everyone with a warm handshake and ask him or her to call you Admiral.
5) MEOW occasionally.
6) STARE At another passenger for a while. Then announce in horror: "You're one of THEM" - and back away slowly
7) say -DING at each floor.
8) say "I wonder what all these do?" And push all the red buttons.
9) make EXPLOSION noises when anyone presses a button.
10) STARE, GRINNING at another passenger for a while, then announce: "I have new socks on."
11) when the elevator is silent, look around and ask: "Is that your beeper?"
12) try to make PERSONAL CALL on the emergency phone.
13) DRAW a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers: "This is my personal space."
14) when there's only one other person in the elevator, TAP them on the shoulder, then pretend it wasn't you.
15) PUSH the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
16) ASK if you can push the button for other people but push the wrong ones.
17) HOLD the doors open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say "Hi Greg, How's your day been?"
18) drop a pen and wail until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream: "That's mine!"
19) bring a camera and TAKE PICTURES of everyone in the lift.
20) PRETEND you're a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the Passengers.
21) SWAT at flies that don't exist.
22) call out "Group hug" then enforce it.

Have fun!

Love, Jasey

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Not to be enthusiastic, but scrutinize carefully

22nd of July, 2008 - Tuesday

Life changing, when the status of a "children" to "adult", same as from "student" to an "employee". Stepping into the society make me be taught alot, and on the other hand, make me be au fait with myself more. I know about my weakness since young, and sometime, my weakness also my forte. Stubborn. Yes, definiteyly I am. Stubbonr to get what I want, stubborn in studies to achieve best results, stubborn in making everything brilliant. I hate the word of "lose". That's Jasey.

Since young, I've strong assertive in winning whatever I intended to. I still remember, in kindergarten, I get the third place during my exam, and my mom said this, "Good work, but try harder to get the second place next time". From that on, I've disciplined myself in studies. I'm neither a bookworm nor booklover, and just putting effort prior to exam. To my amzement, I still able to maintain it. Because of what my parent said to me in kindergarten, I've tried whatever I can, in arts, in story telling, in essays, etc etc.

After high school, I've been confused for choosing the field to further my studies. Design or Science. Since I'm the only child among the siblings who take science line in high school, of course my parent hope Jasey to be a "sciencetist". Okay. obey it. 4 years of studies in KL make me grew up alot. I did put much endeavor, and at last, I get the rewards. Greatful. Even my family also glad for what I've achieved. But? Result doesn't mean anything. i realized when study life defunct.

Stepping into the society is a totally different thing that I've ever met in my life. Before deciding to quit my studies, I ever think to furthe rit abroad. But right after I've graduated. I learned. In this moment, I started for my career to gain some experience before furthering my studies in next few years. I've been employed by a good company, as my superior does really take care of me. Though my division of the company is new, but I do get pleasure from it. My superior share so many things in her life with me. She never forces me to limit myself in the company for the whole life. Contrary, she asks me to gain experience here, and when the time is right, she encourage me to explore the world. THat's a good idea, instead. I still ever think, after my degree, I should further to master, then phD, and lastly, become a lecturer that can earn alot. But, do I really enjoy in giving lecture? Nope. Definitely nope. I hate teaching. That's why, I'm aware now. I know, become a lecturer will gain wealth, But, I grasp, I wouldn't enjoy such life. i dont have the passion in teachin, but i love to do researches. That's why, at last, I've make up my mind. Even though I've no idea how long I'm going to work in the company, but at least, in this moment, I'm in it.

As stated, not to be ethusiastic, but observe every step. Observe yourself, what you want, plan for the future, and at last, make the best decision that's available. I cant say that my current decision will be the best, but, at least, I'M NOT REGRET, and I'm enjoying. That's the best way of life. Isn't it?

Love, Jasey -Be strong, be firm-