Away from the hassles of the real world: November 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Taipei is soooo gorgeous!

This is the first time i travel to Taiwan alone for my training of my newly started career. I'm so impressed by the citizens of Taipei! They're so helpful and friendly! When I've just reached Taipei International Airport, the driver that drove me all the way from "tao yuan 桃园" to 台北市(taipei city) got a long chat with me, introducing Taiwan to me since I'm first time traveling to Taiwan. How nice is him! He lent his hand on me, giving me idea where to buy my sim card, how to get Mrt here etc. Yet, my company's colleague, who's my boss's personal assistant is such a great lady!! I love taipei instead. Though i know ill started to become busy from today evening, but, I do really enjoying the days here. Lov da weather, ppl, food, everything. Taipei, a great city! Herewith some of the pictures i've taken within these 2 days. Thanks 祥云 real much for introducing Taiwan, and yet, she's sooo dazzling! I really have a great days before starting my hell-like training here. :D

Upon my arrival to Taipei. The view is so nice even looking from the plane. oh. a great art.

My first meal when im here. 臭臭锅, da little steamboat. Thanks 祥云!

祥云's niece. such a cute cute gal~

Taipei 101. Finally Im able to get here~

Da night view of Taipei 101. different from the "jagung" aka twin tower of M'sia.

The street artist, 街头艺人

Anyway, I did feel guilty as my mom cried upon our departure to the airport. Im such bad to let my mom worry about me. sigh. Thanks mom! Loving you! Yeah, they're coming to visit me on next weekend! *happie* Hugz, dad and mom! Da best parent in the world.

Love, Jasey

Thursday, November 27, 2008


我那漂浮在海中央的帆船 还不知去向
回到一个人的生活 真的很不习惯
说真的 我忍受不了 我哭了 哭到累了

在一个人的车里 一个人地奔驰
一个人的房子 一个人的世界
那天 你离开的第一天 我哭到累了
我睡不着 闭上眼 脑子总是浮现令我感到寂寞的一切
我知道你很担心 但 我真的我不住泪水
抱歉 让你操心了

现在 我终于了解 我是多么的害怕寂寞
我是多么的独立 多么的倔强
但回来北部后 我的依赖性漫漫地萌生
也许 这是我该铲除掉的恶习吧
不知何时 变得那么的小女人
也许 是因为身旁没有朋友的陪伴

也不懂何时我会到那岛屿去 何时再回来
朋友问我 “你不怕吗?一个人吔”
说真的 我蛮害怕的
因为 不一样的世界 不一样的国度
不一样的人民 不一样的生活起居
我会坚强的 毕竟我也好想挑战我自己

Love, Jasey

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween in the ayer

It’s time for a zany night, for the celebration of Halloween! Such repentant as I never go for any Halloween party wif my uni buddies (Yeah, *Angels!*) during our schooling life. Such a waste! Since I’ve back to the north after done my degree in KL in June, Penang island is my first choice to start my career here. Mmm..Though still in the soothing stage of my new job (after resignation from my prior company), I hope to be busy soon (maybe Im stupid to have this kind of thinking? Dumb dumb...*but its kinda soporific!*). okay, yup, how was ur halloween night? Anyhow, I never met any police checking in any parties so far. This is the first time I experienced it! It killed the mood for party instead! Owh...Poor things!

All the contestants for the costume competition...such eerie! I almost cried when they keep on approaching us just to get a vote...hahha..

The champion for that night, with the theme of "Abortion". Salute!

Wendy and HH, perhaps, da Ju on?

Police: Guys to the left..gals to the right..lelaki kiri perepmpuan kanan..
Ah gua: How about us....
Police: Tengah tengah la...
Look at the sadako (贞子,さだこ)...sitting there waiting innocently during the police checking..haha.a funny scene.

yet, the party continue though all of us are moodless already. mm..just to finish our chivas then. :D.

If you understand chinese characters, please read this site: absolutely hilarous!