Away from the hassles of the real world: Quit

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Finally, I brave up myself to make this decision after 8 days of consideration. I thought I can get through all these, but, I finally realize, Im just nothing and aint strong enough to handle everything.

My fault, for dragging everything. I hate to be in such circumstance. Nobody knows how do I feel, and its useless for me to describe word by words. Indeed, its far beyond words for any description.

Jasey, please stay strong, I know you can make it. But, at the end, I fall. Fall till the deepest hollow, and felt the extreme ache.

Between career and love, I only can choose one?? Yes. I go for career now. I aint a good player in a relationship. Failed in an 8 years relationship is such throbbing. All dreams gone. Nothing is left behind.

“Love is nothing, it’s just a commitment.”

Love, Jasey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stay strong.